(EN) France 3 : 29/04/2015

On the 29th of April 2015 was broadcast on France 3 the result of filming done the day before. It was a passing in the evening news which was about the Gallois de Fougières and its objective to reincarnate the first gendarme to have died in battle. It was also a chance to reveal the armour and costumes which are the result of several months' work in ressearch and adjustments.

See the video on France 3 : http://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/nord-pas-de-calais/2015/04/29/azincourt-deux-gendarmes-dans-les-armures-de-deux-chevaliers-pour-la-reconstitution-de-la-bataille-715221.html
(version with English subtitles upcoming)

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(EN) France 3 : 29/04/2015

On the 29th of April 2015 was broadcast on France 3 the result of filming done the day before. It was a passing in the evening news which was about the Gallois de Fougières and its objective to reincarnate the first gendarme to have died in battle. It was also a chance to reveal the armour and costumes which are the result of several months' work in ressearch and adjustments.

See the video on France 3 : http://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/nord-pas-de-calais/2015/04/29/azincourt-deux-gendarmes-dans-les-armures-de-deux-chevaliers-pour-la-reconstitution-de-la-bataille-715221.html
(version with English subtitles upcoming)

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